------ C / C++ ------

shopping.c (Console Application)
*Change-Calculate program. I wanna export to i-appli soon.

pn_judge.c (Console Application)
*Prime Number Jugdement program.
Execute program with " - Number" as optional(param).

ASKII.c (Console Application)
*By this program, you can see ASKII code graph in your PC.

Pointer.c (Console Application)
*This is a simple program with Pointer. next time , I wanna explain about "pointer" on my Blog

othllo.c (Console Application)
*Othello Applocation. you play Othello Games with AI(Aetificial Intelligense).

haf.c (Console Application)
*Hafman Encoding Application for Alphabets.

FT.c (Open GL)
*3DCG Application by Open GL.[image]

2D ACTION GAME [Exit&Baba]
*2D Action Game Application by DX Library.[image]
This game's controller are key or H8 Micon[image](for Player1) and Mouse (for Player2)
This was prized at H department Contest.

CV_AL(Windows Application)
*This soft can treat CG & Sound Processing by OpenCV, OpenAL, OpenGL and GLUI.[image]
So, if you want to use this program, you must download these Libraries!(read_me)

String Search Application (Console Application)
*This Program Search Words including from Internet (by regular expression).
"Search.zip" has Source File, Some Text Files and "readme.txt".
U should first read "readme.txt".